A Club for All the Family  West Oxfordshire Sailing Club

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Welcome to WOSC News.  This is the place for public news of the club.
  • 22/03/2025 14:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WOSC will be holding its Wayfarer and Wanderer joint race meeting on 10-11 May 2025. Click links below for more details, Notice of Race and registration.

  • 23/11/2024 13:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a reminder to all club members that club boats should not be used under strong wind conditions - unless you have explicit permission from the committee. Strong wind conditions are expected for the rest of this weekend (23-24 November), with average wind speeds in excess of 20 knots and gusts in excess of 40 knots. Club boats will not be available for racing this Sunday 24 November. This applies to all club boats. The separate decision on whether it is safe to race at all is to be taken on the day.

  • 23/04/2019 11:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please find the latest copy of the newsletter for you to download in PDF format - in the members news section

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© West Oxfordshire Sailing Club

Disclaimer:All information is provided "as is", there is no warranty that the information is correct or suitable for any purpose, either implicit or explicit.
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