A Club for All the Family  West Oxfordshire Sailing Club

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Membership of WOSC 

The maximum number of memberships at West Oxfordshire Sailing Club is 350. The membership year is from 1 March until 28 February and renewals commence from 1 February.  Club membership is full, however the objective of the Club is to provide facilities for and to promote the participation of the whole community in the sport of sailing.  If you have related sailing qualifications or sailing experience the club may be able to offer you temporary membership.  For further details please contact membership@wosc.org.uk  The club does not have open water swimming only membership, all members must complete duties in support of sailing. 

The membership fees for 1 March 2025 to 28 February 2026 are:

Type of Membership

Cost per year

Family Membership - members of one immediate family comprising one or two adults living as a couple and their dependent children, children being under the age of 18 or in full time education at the start of the membership year; (An immediate family does not include grandchildren, biological relatives, and those related through marriage, such as a brother-in-law, friends or work colleagues.)


Adult Member - one adult member over the age of 24 and not in full time education as at the start of the membership year 1 March


Student or Under 24 members - Student members are persons over the age of 18 and in full time education and Under 24 members are persons’ not in full time education but under the age of 24 at the start of the membership year 1 March.


New Member Joining Fee (Does not apply to Country and Junior Members)

Junior Member - Minimum age 16 years


Country Member - at the discretion of the General Committee and must live more than 100 miles from WOSC. Contact the Membership Secretary for details £30

Senior Member - Aged 65 and over who have held a membership of the club for at least 15 years and no longer keeps a boat or sailboard at the club. Eligible members must apply to the Committee through the Membership Secretary


Boat Berth (per boat, or 2 kayaks/canoes). 


 New members joining part way through the season are given a discount on membership fees as per the scale below:

Month  Adult Family Junior Student
March 118 170 5555
April 118 170 55 50
May 118 170 55 50
June 106 153 50 50
December355117 17
January 24341111
February1217 66

The Club is run totally voluntarily by its Committee and its Members for the benefit of all Members. There are no paid posts within the clubThe Club expects Members:

a) to abide by the Club Rules;

b) to assist with running the Club Racing (Sundays throughout the year and some Saturdays and Wednesday evenings during the Summer) when selected, on a rota basis, by the Sailing Secretary (Club Rule 22). For most club members, you should expect to do a minimum of 1 or 2 duties per year although it will occur more frequently for regular racing members.

Free club management and website trial click here.

© West Oxfordshire Sailing Club

Disclaimer:All information is provided "as is", there is no warranty that the information is correct or suitable for any purpose, either implicit or explicit.
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