The membership application form for 2025/26 can be found here: 2025 - 2026 WOSC Application for Membership .docx
The process is as follows:
1. Download and complete the application form.
2. Return it by email to or post to the address on the form.
3. You will get confirmation your application has been received.
4. If there are any omissions or errors the Membership Secretary will contact you.
5. Applications must be submitted by 2359 Friday 21 February 2025.
6. Current members have until 1 March to renew.
7. The number of vacancies should be known by Wednesday 5 March.
8. Commencing on Wednesday 5 March and over the following week successful applicants will receive an invitation to join email with an invoice with instructions how to pay your subscription.
9. Your invitation to join will be held for7 days after which it will be cancelled.
If you have any questions please email the Membership Secretary at