Social Events at West Oxfordshire Sailing Club
In addition to the sailing programme West Oxfordshire Sailing Club organises a variety of social events. Most of these events are open to members and their invited friends who may be non-members.
We are always looking for new ideas and volunteers to help run events. Most of the events are run by members willing to help and give their time to ensure the events are fun for all who attend. Volunteering to help is a great way of getting to know new people and feeling much more part of the club.
Below is a list of events regular annual events. Please look at the calendar and upcoming events list for fuller details.

Easter Egg Hunt
Family Event
Outdoor Easter Egg Hunt from 11am - 2pm

Midsummer Night Race
Why not set up to use the BBQ and then join the Midsummer Night Race. The race starts 20.00 finishing at 00.00.
Race type: general handicap
Join a team and sail around the lake in the dark to the delight of the participants and observers. Bring your own food to keep the spirits up.
Rules: 1 boat with a minimum of 2 helms for a single handed boat and 2 helms and 2 crews for a crewed boat with a change of helm/crew every 2 laps Food:
Drink: Bar will be open!
Camping: Participants welcome to book camping

WOSC Eight Hour Race
Family Event
Race starts at 11.00 with the bar open during the afternoon.
Race type: general handicap team event
Rules: minimum team size 6, to race one single handed boat and one crewed boat for 8 hours changing crews every two laps.
Prizes on day, prize for junior team.
Drink: Bar will be open
Camping: Participants welcome to book camping
This is a fun race for all levels from novice to regular racers and the aim is to get as many people sailing during the day as possible. The bar will also be open. In the evening there will be music to keep us entertained. So why not miss the bank holiday traffic and just spend the weekend at WOSC.

Halloween Bonfire Night
Activities, food and disco with the fun starting at 18:30
Family Event
Avoid the trick-or-treaters and join us for a traditional bonfire and party games. Fancy dress prizes, sweet treats and a big bonfire. A fun night for all the family to enjoy.
Competitions for the best carved pumpkin and far more. After the bonfire we will have the WOSC Halloween Disco so why not stay on the dance floor and scare the children!

Quiz and Curry Night
Bar open from 7pm, Quiz starts at 7:30pm Curry at 8pm - Booking and payment required online as this is very popular with limited places. Booking to follow in October.

Christmas Lunch

Boxing Day race
Single race starts at 12.00

Please come along and support the events and if possible offer to help out!
To contact the Social Secretary please email
CAMPING -- Currently Suspended --
At WOSC we also allow members to pitch a tent occasionally to enjoy the facilities and spend an evening by the lake but we are sorry but non-members of the club (including child guests) are not able to camp at WOSC
If you would like to book a slot to camp please download the booking Form, fill it in fully and send it to our booking secretary preferably with a minimum of 24 hours notice (much more would be appreciated) to Chris Abela at
Camping booking in form - Unavailable at present
The form will be reinstated once camping is allowed